Kawaijuku Examination Centre of Cambridge English (JP026) seeks experienced professionals to attend a free Speaking Examiner training to become a Speaking Examiner for A2 Key (KET)/B1 Preliminary (PET) to work with us as a Speaking Examiner
A one-day Training, followed by a half-day Certification session to enable experienced and qualified teachers to become Speaking Examiners (SEs). This workshop will cover the speaking tests for two levels of Cambridge English; A2 Key (KET), B1 Preliminary (PET). The training and certification are free but the travel and accommodation costs should be covered by applicants.
[Training] Saturday 3rd May, 9:00-17:00
[Certification] Sunday 4th May, 9:00-13:00
Location: Kanto
NB. This is a part time position and you will be paid by work basis. A valid visa is required
For more information about Cambridge English Qualification, please visit;
Minimum Professional Requirements
Applicants are required to meet Minimum Professional Requirements (MPRs). Refer to the site below for MPRs.
The remuneration
Refer to the site below for remuneration.
Overview of the recruitment process for new Speaking Examiners
1. Send us an E-mail
If you are interested in applying, please provide the required information below and send an E-mail to [email protected]
※Your private information is used only for the purpose of SE recruitment.
・Title of the mail : ” SE application (Kanto202505KP)”
・First Name
・Last Name
・Area :Kanto
・Level you apply: KET&PET
・Advertisement media you see : JALT
2. Submission of application form
We will send you an application form. Please return the form, completed in full.
Application forms are assessed against the Minimum Professional Requirements (MPRs). Those who do not meet the MPRs cannot be accepted.
3. Interview by telephone
Please select your preferred date & time for a phone interview on the application form.
You will be contacted during the period you stipulate. Team Leader (TL) will conduct a language proficiency check if necessary.
4. Induction
Applicants work through the self-access induction materials, which cover the responsibilities of being a Speaking Examiner and the format and levels of the tests.
5. Training
Training is conducted by the TL and covers how to assess and deliver the Speaking test. The TL assesses the applicants during the session to ensure they meet the Cambridge requirements for a SE.
6. Certification
Applicants must complete certification for each exam level they will examine and their performance must be certified by the TL to become a SE.
7. Approval by Cambridge English
Cambridge English may reject any nomination which does not clearly meet the requirement, and their decision is final.
Note: SEs will be asked to attend a recertification every year in order to continue to be eligible as an SE. This will normally be a face-to-face meeting.
For more information and application forms please contact on:
EMAIL:[email protected]
*Your private information is used only for the purpose of SE recruitment.
Kawaijuku Examination Centre of Cambridge English
CO・MO・RE YOTSUYA Global Study Square 6F, 1-6-2 Yotsuya Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo,160-0004
More Information
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